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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Oquossoc, ME

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Oquossoc, ME

A total of 17 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.2,116Mexico, ME / 1,650
2.1,806Rumford, ME / 4,395
3.1,493Wilton, ME / 2,097
4.1,362Farmington, ME / 4,142
5.1,227Lancaster, NH / 1,514
6.1,174Livermore Falls, ME / 1,623
7.1,144Norway, ME / 2,286
8.1,047Madison, ME / 2,648
9.1,014Colebrook, NH / 1,404
10.962Rangeley, ME
11.927Dixfield, ME / 948
12.900Berlin, NH / 9,710
13.855Jay, ME
14.847Bethel, ME
15.800Paris, ME
16.639Gorham, NH / 1,522
17.310Canaan, VT / 414

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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