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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Only, TN

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Only, TN

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.73Lynnville, TN / 337
2.274Clifton, TN / 2,684
3.294Clarksburg, TN / 475
4.322Kingston Springs, TN / 2,759
5.361Belle Meade, TN / 2,930
6.405Collinwood, TN / 941
7.503Brentwood, TN / 39,059
8.575Scotts Hill, TN / 925
9.596Spring Hill, TN / 31,467
10.603Pleasant View, TN / 4,187
11.629Mcewen, TN / 1,823
12.757Dover, TN / 1,696
13.774Franklin, TN / 66,596
14.778Decaturville, TN / 949
15.818Waverly, TN / 4,113
16.822New Johnsonville, TN / 1,934
17.862White Bluff, TN / 3,269
18.868Hollow Rock, TN / 589
19.874Parsons, TN / 2,445
20.919Fairview, TN / 8,020
21.982Henry, TN / 480
22.986Bruceton, TN / 1,779
23.1,003Waynesboro, TN / 2,649
24.1,026Burns, TN / 1,534
25.1,036Centerville, TN / 3,586
26.1,335Huntingdon, TN / 3,979
27.1,409Big Sandy, TN / 593
28.1,462Erin, TN / 1,451
29.1,663Hohenwald, TN / 3,716
30.1,714Saltillo, TN / 521
31.1,724Ethridge, TN / 564
32.1,843Camden, TN / 3,596
33.2,041Mount Pleasant, TN / 4,604
34.2,207Ashland City, TN / 4,643
35.2,464Paris, TN / 10,165
36.2,821Columbia, TN / 35,207
37.2,835Dickson, TN / 14,814
38.2,874Cumberland City, TN / 468
39.3,248Lawrenceburg, TN / 10,440
40.3,283Lexington, TN / 7,771

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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