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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Kapp Heights, PA

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Kapp Heights, PA

A total of 96 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.4,413Harrisburg, PA / 49,297
2.3,153Selinsgrove, PA / 5,698
3.2,433Steelton, PA / 5,959
4.2,077Sunbury, PA / 9,817
5.1,975Williamsport, PA / 29,377
6.1,948West Hazleton, PA / 4,565
7.1,895Lewistown, PA / 8,341
8.1,887Berwick, PA / 10,398
9.1,830Nanticoke, PA / 10,395
10.1,734Lebanon, PA / 25,553
11.1,704Shenandoah, PA / 5,002
12.1,699Newport, PA / 1,517
13.1,646Highspire, PA / 2,438
14.1,539Freeland, PA / 3,509
15.1,529Hazleton, PA / 25,179
16.1,477Paxtang, PA / 1,450
17.1,419Danville, PA / 4,703
18.1,389Middleburg, PA / 1,362
19.1,355Jersey Shore, PA / 4,339
20.1,349Tamaqua, PA / 6,994
21.1,336Lock Haven, PA / 9,860
22.1,294Watsontown, PA / 2,296
23.1,210Mount Carmel, PA / 5,833
24.1,153Mechanicsburg, PA / 8,971
25.1,151Millersburg, PA / 2,540
26.1,119Catawissa, PA / 1,530
27.1,067Pottsville, PA / 14,136
28.1,046Hamburg, PA / 4,293
29.1,043Milton, PA / 7,017
30.1,017Middletown, PA / 8,909
31.1,012Penbrook, PA / 2,997
32.1,005Coal Township, PA
33.997Northumberland, PA / 3,772
34.923Schuylkill Haven, PA / 5,368
35.913Mahanoy City, PA / 4,126
36.884Ashland, PA / 2,780
37.875Bloomsburg, PA / 14,699
38.869Saint Clair, PA / 2,976
39.854Shamokin Dam, PA / 1,592
40.826South Williamsport, PA / 6,370
41.806Duncannon, PA / 1,681
42.795Myerstown, PA / 3,098
43.783Palmyra, PA / 7,399
44.781Granville, PA / 477
45.719Lewisburg, PA / 5,781
46.712Hummelstown, PA / 4,544
47.704Hughesville, PA / 1,860
48.701Kulpmont, PA / 2,904
49.662Womelsdorf, PA / 2,812
50.656Mcadoo, PA / 2,643
51.648Shamokin, PA / 7,295
52.627New Cumberland, PA / 7,276
53.590Annville, PA / 4,826
54.577Camp Hill, PA / 7,891
55.554Briar Creek, PA / 761
56.550Lower Allen, PA / 7,012
57.546Pine Grove, PA / 2,125
58.515Montoursville, PA / 4,616
59.497Montgomery, PA / 1,501
60.487Orwigsburg, PA / 3,053
61.476Minersville, PA / 4,332
62.432Marysville, PA / 2,536
63.419Auburn, PA / 879
64.409Girardville, PA / 1,356
65.404Halifax, PA / 910
66.403Mifflinburg, PA / 3,541
67.396Beaver Meadows, PA / 713
68.395Hartleton, PA / 281
69.364Woodward, PA / 132
70.336Nescopeck, PA / 1,700
71.325New Philadelphia, PA / 1,070
72.302Cleona, PA / 2,248
73.295Avis, PA / 1,732
74.270Lykens, PA / 1,631
75.260Frackville, PA / 3,775
76.238Palo Alto, PA / 1,066
77.195Shiremanstown, PA / 1,606
78.176Mifflin, PA / 577
79.169Tower City, PA / 1,278
80.169Millville, PA / 989
81.168New Berlin, PA / 937
82.163Ringtown, PA / 654
83.159Lamar, PA / 623
84.131Duboistown, PA / 1,243
85.126Royalton, PA / 1,054
86.112Port Carbon, PA / 1,884
87.109Wiconisco, PA / 793
88.103Cornwall, PA / 4,166
89.89Muncy, PA / 2,590
90.89Conyngham, PA / 1,917
91.70Delano, PA / 389
92.41Bernville, PA / 812
93.21Mount Gretna, PA / 157
94.0Mill Hall, PA / 1,631
94.0Richland, PA / 1,758
94.0Gilberton, PA / 749

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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