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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Grant, CO

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Grant, CO

A total of 47 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.165Blue River, CO / 645
2.258Buena Vista, CO / 2,675
3.375Columbine Valley, CO / 1,258
4.433Georgetown, CO / 1,069
5.461Minturn, CO / 1,041
6.508Castle Rock, CO / 51,802
7.513Louisville, CO / 19,171
8.535Bow Mar, CO / 1,062
9.564Cherry Hills Village, CO / 6,234
10.602Palmer Lake, CO / 2,507
11.643Parker, CO / 47,515
12.763Centennial, CO / 104,213
13.763Woodland Park, CO / 7,187
14.774Nederland, CO / 1,417
15.855Broomfield, CO / 59,027
16.1,073Golden, CO / 19,759
17.1,103Leadville, CO / 2,590
18.1,126Arvada, CO / 109,800
19.1,188Empire, CO / 306
20.1,278Littleton, CO / 43,710
21.1,301Fairplay, CO / 929
22.1,313Frisco, CO / 2,782
23.1,322Boulder, CO / 102,002
24.1,325Silverthorne, CO / 4,009
25.1,426Granby, CO / 2,009
26.1,440Westminster, CO / 109,296
27.1,499Morrison, CO / 400
28.1,641Mountain View, CO / 564
29.1,645Greenwood Village, CO / 14,546
30.1,690Monument, CO / 6,226
31.1,723Lone Tree, CO / 12,328
32.1,793Dillon, CO / 926
33.1,832Green Mountain Falls, CO / 687
34.2,202Wheat Ridge, CO / 30,655
35.2,276Lakewood, CO / 145,880
36.2,310Vail, CO / 5,280
37.2,442Idaho Springs, CO / 1,971
38.2,444Denver, CO / 633,777
39.2,569Federal Heights, CO / 11,835
40.2,620Edgewater, CO / 5,217
41.2,828Englewood, CO / 31,298
42.2,899Sheridan, CO / 5,819
43.3,076Central City, CO / 681
44.3,456Breckenridge, CO / 4,604
45.4,101Glendale, CO / 4,564
46.45,187Black Hawk, CO / 130
47.77,686Lakeside, CO / 4

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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