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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Galt, IL

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Galt, IL

A total of 58 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.0Shannon, IL / 701
1.0Hillsdale, IL / 507
3.25Davis, IL / 838
4.28Princeton, IA / 1,038
5.109Granville, IL / 1,457
6.118Buda, IL / 671
7.166Malta, IL / 1,115
8.175Orion, IL / 1,957
9.252Ashton, IL / 947
10.287Cambridge, IL / 2,189
11.373Erie, IL / 1,594
12.411Mount Morris, IL / 3,155
13.451Coal Valley, IL / 3,692
14.499Albany, IL / 1,047
15.524Camanche, IA / 4,401
16.526Byron, IL / 3,694
17.533Le Claire, IA / 3,846
18.543Winnebago, IL / 3,203
19.557Elizabeth, IL / 819
20.575Mount Carroll, IL / 1,670
21.602Fulton, IL / 3,538
22.674Geneseo, IL / 6,500
23.724Durand, IL / 1,203
24.746Spring Valley, IL / 5,441
25.750Walnut, IL / 1,520
26.751Eldridge, IA / 5,908
27.775Franklin Grove, IL / 1,232
28.808Bettendorf, IA / 34,247
29.809Morrison, IL / 4,118
30.822La Salle, IL / 9,537
31.838Peru, IL / 10,172
32.847Mendota, IL / 7,161
33.866Milledgeville, IL / 1,034
34.911De Witt, IA / 5,297
35.916Earlville, IL / 1,729
36.949Oglesby, IL / 3,667
37.949Colona, IL / 5,057
38.954Princeton, IL / 7,698
39.1,047Hampton, IL / 2,061
40.1,111Oregon, IL / 3,592
41.1,139Milan, IL / 5,122
42.1,156Amboy, IL / 2,319
43.1,219Dixon, IL / 14,963
44.1,229Rock Falls, IL / 9,111
45.1,279Stockton, IL / 1,948
46.1,342Savanna, IL / 2,993
47.1,396Polo, IL / 2,122
48.1,412East Moline, IL / 21,294
49.1,488Silvis, IL / 7,525
50.1,527Freeport, IL / 25,225
51.1,624Moline, IL / 43,087
52.1,708Hanover, IL / 794
53.1,764Sterling, IL / 15,208
54.1,788Kewanee, IL / 12,694
55.1,919Rock Island, IL / 38,888
56.2,325Clinton, IA / 26,611
57.2,794Davenport, IA / 101,316
58.3,777Rockford, IL / 151,290

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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