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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Bruner, MO

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Bruner, MO

A total of 50 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.5,721Branson, MO / 10,942
2.4,085Springfield, MO / 162,333
3.3,563Branson West, MO / 655
4.2,902Aurora, MO / 7,475
5.2,252Hollister, MO / 4,436
6.2,190Gainesville, MO / 733
7.2,172Lebanon, MO / 14,595
8.1,825Bolivar, MO / 10,443
9.1,769Mount Vernon, MO / 4,539
10.1,768Ava, MO / 2,973
11.1,724Buffalo, MO / 3,073
12.1,721Marionville, MO / 2,242
13.1,685Strafford, MO / 2,247
14.1,488Mountain Grove, MO / 4,704
15.1,465Republic, MO / 15,222
16.1,429Forsyth, MO / 1,874
17.1,401Mansfield, MO / 1,185
18.1,385Seymour, MO / 1,696
19.1,319Rogersville, MO / 3,529
20.1,177Cabool, MO / 2,410
21.1,164Billings, MO / 937
22.1,147Marshfield, MO / 6,789
23.1,123Ozark, MO / 18,369
24.1,079Willard, MO / 5,395
25.1,054Rockaway Beach, MO / 929
26.895Reeds Spring, MO / 1,063
27.880Crane, MO / 1,828
28.839Ash Grove, MO / 1,421
29.821Theodosia, MO / 217
30.787Sparta, MO / 1,927
31.770Verona, MO / 630
32.759Everton, MO / 467
33.732Kimberling City, MO / 2,573
34.688Nixa, MO / 19,821
35.684Bull Shoals, AR / 2,057
36.659Hartville, MO / 727
37.607Battlefield, MO / 5,759
38.589Fair Grove, MO / 1,684
39.581Clever, MO / 2,185
40.554Fordland, MO / 935
41.542Walnut Grove, MO / 709
42.492Conway, MO / 1,139
43.422Norwood, MO / 636
44.332Pleasant Hope, MO / 619
45.304Indian Point, MO / 555
46.186Highlandville, MO / 1,114
47.186Niangua, MO / 491
48.122Merriam Woods, MO / 1,812
49.104Galena, MO / 629
50.33Hurley, MO / 189

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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