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Least Educated Cities Near Troy Mills, IA

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Troy Mills, IA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 159 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.10.86Chelsea, IA / 291
2.11.43East Amana, IA / 94
3.11.57Monmouth, IA / 213
4.11.58North Buena Vista, IA / 175
5.11.75Stanley, IA / 112
6.11.79Glen Haven, WI / 80
7.11.79Colesburg, IA / 371
8.11.81Prairieburg, IA / 205
9.11.82Balltown, IA / 68
10.11.83Saint Olaf, IA / 196
11.12.02Greeley, IA / 304
12.12.12Lamont, IA / 463
13.12.16Baldwin, IA / 99
14.12.18Ladora, IA / 213
15.12.20Elberon, IA / 231
16.12.20Morley, IA / 159
17.12.20Hazleton, IA / 971
18.12.23Vining, IA / 59
19.12.24Frytown, IA / 51
20.12.24Ryan, IA / 466
21.12.24Belle Plaine, IA / 2,607
22.12.25Center Junction, IA / 159
23.12.27Holy Cross, IA / 357
24.12.27Delaware, IA / 191
25.12.31Masonville, IA / 183
26.12.31Garrison, IA / 404
27.12.33Oelwein, IA / 6,433
28.12.36New Vienna, IA / 369
29.12.40Stone City, IA / 160
30.12.41Volga, IA / 184
31.12.43Randalia, IA / 30
32.12.43Raymond, IA / 689
33.12.45Clermont, IA / 650
34.12.46Worthington, IA / 370
35.12.47Hartwick, IA / 56
36.12.49Olin, IA / 677
37.12.50Cassville, WI / 840
38.12.52Westgate, IA / 306
39.12.53Farmersburg, IA / 328
40.12.53Evansdale, IA / 4,666
41.12.53Earlville, IA / 747
42.12.54Middle Amana, IA / 1,075
43.12.55Clutier, IA / 256
44.12.57Coggon, IA / 693
45.12.58Elk Run Heights, IA / 1,029
46.12.60Oxford Junction, IA / 536
47.12.62Brandon, IA / 298
48.12.62Anamosa, IA / 5,634
49.12.64Hawkeye, IA / 478
50.12.66Strawberry Point, IA / 1,246
51.12.66Aurora, IA / 177
52.12.67Osterdock, IA / 66
53.12.67Quasqueton, IA / 484
54.12.67Dundee, IA / 202
55.12.69Lost Nation, IA / 455
56.12.70Marengo, IA / 2,546
57.12.70Mechanicsville, IA / 1,142
58.12.72Wadena, IA / 301
59.12.73Guttenberg, IA / 1,784
60.12.73Gilbertville, IA / 731
61.12.73Garber, IA / 94
62.12.75Hopkinton, IA / 624
63.12.76Lowden, IA / 767
64.12.77Wyoming, IA / 548
65.12.79Monticello, IA / 3,785
66.12.79Victor, IA / 801
67.12.79Blairstown, IA / 704
68.12.79Edgewood, IA / 925
69.12.83Clarence, IA / 896
70.12.86Tripoli, IA / 1,301
71.12.86Rowley, IA / 278
72.12.86Tipton, IA / 3,209
73.12.88Arlington, IA / 492
74.12.89Central City, IA / 1,250
75.12.91Stanwood, IA / 629
76.12.91Elgin, IA / 733
77.12.92Millville, IA / 44
78.12.94Alburnett, IA / 736
79.12.96Norway, IA / 624
80.12.96Mount Auburn, IA / 134
81.12.96Elkport, IA / 131
82.12.96Maynard, IA / 424
83.12.98Dyersville, IA / 4,070
84.12.99Waterloo, IA / 67,893
85.13.00Garnavillo, IA / 822
86.13.01Cascade, IA / 2,272
87.13.02Onslow, IA / 209
88.13.02Centralia, IA / 149
89.13.04Keystone, IA / 674
90.13.04Walker, IA / 746
91.13.06Martelle, IA / 339
92.13.09South Amana, IA / 151
93.13.11Farley, IA / 1,508
94.13.13Newhall, IA / 722
95.13.15Jesup, IA / 2,592
96.13.16Dunkerton, IA / 773
97.13.18Springville, IA / 1,042
98.13.19Manchester, IA / 5,187
99.13.19Rickardsville, IA / 256
100.13.20Washburn, IA / 791
101.13.20Epworth, IA / 1,809
102.13.20Fairbank, IA / 1,236
103.13.20Vinton, IA / 5,262
104.13.22Shellsburg, IA / 878
105.13.22La Porte City, IA / 2,637
106.13.24Reinbeck, IA / 1,963
107.13.25Luxemburg, IA / 170
108.13.25Delhi, IA / 547
109.13.25Traer, IA / 1,681
110.13.26Winthrop, IA / 905
111.13.29Bernard, IA / 135
112.13.29Janesville, IA / 942
113.13.29Sumner, IA / 2,031
114.13.30West Union, IA / 2,614
115.13.32Readlyn, IA / 914
116.13.32Watkins, IA / 164
117.13.33Elkader, IA / 1,281
118.13.33Bankston, IA / 8
119.13.35Conroy, IA / 193
120.13.36Dysart, IA / 1,520
121.13.40Van Horne, IA / 782
122.13.52Luzerne, IA / 97
123.13.52Urbana, IA / 1,409
124.13.56Swisher, IA / 862
125.13.56Hiawatha, IA / 6,932
126.13.60Independence, IA / 5,987
127.13.60Oxford, IA / 737
128.13.61Center Point, IA / 2,428
129.13.65Denver, IA / 1,827
130.13.75Lisbon, IA / 1,885
131.13.78Graf, IA / 92
132.13.81Cedar Rapids, IA / 125,450
133.13.85Atkins, IA / 1,719
134.13.85Shueyville, IA / 483
135.13.87Amana, IA / 418
136.13.93West Amana, IA / 150
137.13.96Palo, IA / 912
138.13.98Walford, IA / 1,519
139.13.99Fairfax, IA / 1,641
140.13.99West Branch, IA / 2,468
141.14.02High Amana, IA / 98
142.14.02Williamsburg, IA / 3,015
143.14.08Waverly, IA / 9,754
144.14.10Marion, IA / 33,293
145.14.12Homestead, IA / 166
146.14.15Tiffin, IA / 1,986
147.14.17Solon, IA / 1,924
148.14.18Ely, IA / 1,624
149.14.19Bertram, IA / 314
150.14.23Peosta, IA / 1,511
151.14.35Hudson, IA / 2,334
152.14.48Cedar Falls, IA / 38,178
153.14.67Robins, IA / 2,906
154.14.86Mount Vernon, IA / 4,375
155.14.92Fayette, IA / 1,481
156.15.02North Liberty, IA / 11,889
157.15.17Coralville, IA / 18,186
158.15.60Iowa City, IA / 66,758
159.16.43University Heights, IA / 1,111

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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