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Most Educated Cities Near Sharon Grove, KY

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Sharon Grove, KY

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 88 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.14.74Shackle Island, TN / 2,736
2.13.62Goodlettsville, TN / 15,448
3.13.50Plano, KY / 1,128
4.13.49Cottontown, TN / 503
5.13.47Masonville, KY / 1,041
6.13.47Clarksville, TN / 126,148
7.13.27Bowling Green, KY / 56,407
8.13.24Pleasant View, TN / 3,962
9.13.22White House, TN / 9,764
10.13.11Fort Campbell North, KY / 13,170
11.13.06Coopertown, TN / 4,060
12.13.05Trenton, KY / 315
13.12.94Greenville, KY / 4,314
14.12.94Lafayette, KY / 214
15.12.93Graball, TN / 86
16.12.93Oak Grove, KY / 7,283
17.12.83Greenbrier, TN / 6,195
18.12.76Fairview CDP, KY / 302
19.12.71Hopkinsville, KY / 30,862
20.12.67Orlinda, TN / 789
21.12.66Slaughters, KY / 309
22.12.63Madisonville, KY / 19,558
23.12.60Manitou, KY / 247
24.12.55Princeton, KY / 6,331
25.12.54Oakland, KY / 202
26.12.51Nebo, KY / 308
27.12.49Plum Springs, KY / 435
28.12.49Woodburn, KY / 299
29.12.46Ridgetop, TN / 1,855
30.12.41Rochester, KY / 173
31.12.38Cerulean, KY / 325
32.12.38Portland, TN / 10,973
33.12.37Oak Grove, TN / 93
34.12.36Cadiz, KY / 2,542
35.12.31Auburn, KY / 1,229
36.12.31Cross Plains, TN / 1,639
37.12.31Franklin, KY / 8,368
38.12.28Slayden, TN / 252
39.12.28Beechmont, KY / 812
40.12.27Adams, TN / 565
41.12.25Hanson, KY / 756
42.12.23Central City, KY / 5,984
43.12.18Guthrie, KY / 1,611
44.12.17Cumberland City, TN / 350
45.12.16Sacramento, KY / 556
46.12.13Elkton, KY / 2,430
47.12.12Hartford, KY / 2,671
48.12.07Pembroke, KY / 870
49.12.02Beaver Dam, KY / 3,376
50.12.02Springfield, TN / 16,097
51.12.01Millersville, TN / 6,111
52.12.00Lewisburg, KY / 940
53.11.98Ashland City, TN / 4,405
54.11.86Centertown, KY / 484
55.11.85Dawson Springs, KY / 2,810
56.11.84Mchenry, KY / 492
57.11.82South Carrollton, KY / 170
58.11.81Nortonville, KY / 1,341
59.11.81Crofton, KY / 949
60.11.80Providence, KY / 3,281
61.11.76Earlington, KY / 1,437
62.11.74Walnut Grove CDP, TN / 584
63.11.72New Deal, TN / 621
64.11.71Powderly, KY / 923
65.11.64Bremen, KY / 257
66.11.60Russellville, KY / 7,015
67.11.58Livermore, KY / 1,304
68.11.54Saint Charles, KY / 225
69.11.47Mitchellville, TN / 211
70.11.45Island, KY / 493
71.11.44Caneyville, KY / 538
72.11.42Drakesboro, KY / 621
73.11.39Mortons Gap, KY / 617
74.11.34Morgantown, KY / 2,438
75.11.16Cedar Hill, TN / 391
76.11.14White Plains, KY / 614
77.11.12Adairville, KY / 810
78.11.06Rockport, KY / 500
79.11.04Brownsville, KY / 1,207
80.11.01Fairfield, TN / 274
81.10.98Woodbury, KY / 79
82.10.89Dunmor, KY / 347
83.10.83Calhoun, KY / 1,133
84.10.80Gracey, KY / 45
85.10.67Onton, KY / 40
86.10.61Allensville, KY / 199
87.10.27Beech Grove, KY / 216
88.9.85Rosine, KY / 178

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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