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Most Educated Cities Near Middleton, MI

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Middleton, MI

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 118 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.16.31East Grand Rapids, MI / 10,734
2.16.22Okemos, MI / 21,025
3.16.04East Lansing, MI / 48,220
4.15.48Forest Hills, MI / 25,428
5.15.40Haslett, MI / 19,716
6.14.83Lake Victoria, MI / 887
7.14.73Williamston, MI / 3,783
8.14.69Dewitt, MI / 4,591
9.14.58Midland, MI / 41,961
10.14.55Rockford, MI / 5,538
11.14.42Waverly, MI / 24,737
12.14.37Mount Pleasant, MI / 26,119
13.14.27Caledonia, MI / 1,480
14.14.20Wacousta, MI / 1,146
15.14.12Bath, MI / 2,275
16.14.06Dimondale, MI / 1,242
17.14.02Canadian Lakes, MI / 2,758
18.14.00Holt, MI / 23,595
19.13.99Grand Ledge, MI / 7,852
20.13.98Northview, MI / 14,425
21.13.89Auburn, MI / 2,183
22.13.87Kentwood, MI / 48,242
23.13.86Flushing, MI / 8,479
24.13.83Dansville, MI / 530
25.13.74Mason, MI / 8,074
26.13.69Portland, MI / 3,902
27.13.65Saint Johns, MI / 7,920
28.13.63Lake Isabella Village, MI / 2,010
29.13.57Edgemont Park, MI / 2,295
30.13.54Perry, MI / 2,165
31.13.52New Lothrop, MI / 642
32.13.47Alma, MI / 9,384
33.13.45Shepherd, MI / 1,385
34.13.40Freeland, MI / 6,999
35.13.40Carson City, MI / 1,024
36.13.35Hastings, MI / 7,395
37.13.35Potterville, MI / 2,555
38.13.35Sanford, MI / 1,092
39.13.35Lansing, MI / 115,634
40.13.27Grand Rapids, MI / 190,441
41.13.27Laingsburg, MI / 1,140
42.13.20Charlotte, MI / 9,126
43.13.17Corunna, MI / 3,515
44.13.15Eaton Rapids, MI / 5,275
45.13.06Shields, MI / 6,821
46.13.04Lowell, MI / 3,820
47.12.96Maple Rapids, MI / 512
48.12.95Ithaca, MI / 2,953
49.12.95Middleville, MI / 3,271
50.12.94Zilwaukee, MI / 1,869
51.12.93Clare, MI / 3,196
52.12.92Breckenridge, MI / 1,443
53.12.89Vermontville, MI / 692
54.12.89Montrose, MI / 1,690
55.12.89Webberville, MI / 1,474
56.12.88Pewamo, MI / 567
57.12.87Byron, MI / 611
58.12.86Sheridan, MI / 727
59.12.86Owosso, MI / 15,452
60.12.81Stanton, MI / 1,549
61.12.80Saint Charles, MI / 2,066
62.12.79Hemlock, MI / 1,348
63.12.78Vernon, MI / 799
64.12.77Durand, MI / 3,572
65.12.76Beal City, MI / 346
66.12.75Westphalia, MI / 851
67.12.75Rosebush, MI / 289
68.12.68Merrill, MI / 785
69.12.68Lake Odessa, MI / 2,284
70.12.67Cedar Springs, MI / 3,467
71.12.66Fowler, MI / 1,245
72.12.66Lakeview, MI / 1,066
73.12.64Saranac, MI / 1,556
74.12.60Clarksville, MI / 334
75.12.60Henderson, MI / 380
76.12.59Bridgeport, MI / 6,958
77.12.58Morrice, MI / 1,173
78.12.58Freeport, MI / 446
79.12.57Gaines, MI / 372
80.12.55Edmore, MI / 1,217
81.12.55Coleman, MI / 1,206
82.12.55Eagle, MI / 200
83.12.54Chesaning, MI / 2,274
84.12.53Oakley, MI / 253
85.12.51Farwell, MI / 1,018
86.12.50Elsie, MI / 884
87.12.46Lennon, MI / 646
88.12.46Barryton, MI / 352
89.12.42Belding, MI / 5,864
90.12.41Bancroft, MI / 624
91.12.41Weidman, MI / 820
92.12.41Muir, MI / 430
93.12.41Sunfield, MI / 745
94.12.39Greenville, MI / 8,470
95.12.39Ovid, MI / 1,796
96.12.39Nashville, MI / 1,699
97.12.38Mecosta, MI / 451
98.12.38Burt, MI / 896
99.12.37Woodland, MI / 507
100.12.37Ionia, MI / 12,030
101.12.36Beaverton, MI / 1,050
102.12.34Mulliken, MI / 507
103.12.32Sand Lake village, MI / 630
104.12.26Loomis, MI / 93
105.12.26Stanwood, MI / 146
106.12.23Saginaw, MI / 53,463
107.12.21Morley, MI / 461
108.12.20Mcbride, MI / 141
109.12.19Saint Louis, MI / 7,382
110.12.19Perrinton, MI / 291
111.12.17Ashley, MI / 617
112.12.15Hubbardston, MI / 449
113.12.04Howard City, MI / 1,612
114.12.03Buena Vista, MI / 6,553
115.11.98Robin Glen-Indiantown, MI / 917
116.11.97Middletown, MI / 992
117.11.90Lyons, MI / 1,031
118.11.34Pierson, MI / 163

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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