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Least Educated Cities Near Green Creek, NJ

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Green Creek, NJ

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 133 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.10.23Henderson, MD / 203
2.10.91Woodbine, NJ / 2,461
3.10.94Seabrook Farms, NJ / 1,433
4.11.00Kenton, DE / 78
5.11.10Bridgeton, NJ / 25,042
6.11.13Farmington, DE / 64
7.11.19Goldsboro, MD / 338
8.11.26Marydel, MD / 300
9.11.36Templeville, MD / 178
10.11.45Hancocks Bridge, NJ / 308
11.11.46Frankford, DE / 551
12.11.47Cedarville, NJ / 967
13.11.49Laurel Lake, NJ / 3,050
14.11.78Burleigh, NJ / 642
15.11.83Georgetown, DE / 6,154
16.11.89Pleasantville, NJ / 20,210
17.11.91Salem, NJ / 5,289
18.11.95Blades, DE / 1,236
19.11.97Belleplain, NJ / 609
20.11.98Frederica, DE / 753
21.12.02Ellendale, DE / 455
22.12.02Harrington, DE / 3,500
23.12.03Elwood, NJ / 1,752
24.12.05Little Creek, DE / 276
25.12.08Whitesboro, NJ / 2,307
26.12.09Woodside East, DE / 1,985
27.12.10Selbyville, DE / 2,253
28.12.13Collings Lakes, NJ / 1,491
29.12.19Fairton, NJ / 1,332
30.12.19Leipsic, DE / 126
31.12.22Atlantic City, NJ / 40,081
32.12.24Egg Harbor City, NJ / 4,335
33.12.26Buena, NJ / 4,510
34.12.26Millville, NJ / 28,134
35.12.36Greenwood, DE / 767
36.12.39Laurel, DE / 3,751
37.12.39Vineland, NJ / 59,908
38.12.40Rodney Village, DE / 1,773
39.12.42Villas, NJ / 9,442
40.12.42Quinton, NJ / 687
41.12.43Cheswold, DE / 1,352
42.12.44Greensboro, MD / 2,455
43.12.44Wildwood, NJ / 5,321
44.12.45Rosenhayn, NJ / 1,260
45.12.56Bridgeville, DE / 1,893
46.12.57Rio Grande, NJ / 2,170
47.12.59Shiloh, NJ / 621
48.12.63West Wildwood, NJ / 518
49.12.64Port Norris, NJ / 1,614
50.12.64Victory Lakes, NJ / 2,108
51.12.65Hammonton, NJ / 14,655
52.12.66Chesilhurst, NJ / 1,565
53.12.72North Cape May, NJ / 3,184
54.12.74Magnolia, DE / 87
55.12.74Houston, DE / 517
56.12.75Clayton, NJ / 8,063
57.12.75Mystic Island, NJ / 8,533
58.12.76Milford, DE / 9,180
59.12.80Long Neck, DE / 2,220
60.12.82North Wildwood, NJ / 4,175
61.12.83Felton, DE / 1,078
62.12.83Dagsboro, DE / 820
63.12.83Erma, NJ / 2,141
64.12.89Williamstown, NJ / 14,232
65.12.89Millsboro, DE / 3,640
66.12.90Seaford, DE / 6,945
67.12.91Viola, DE / 174
68.12.96Woodside, DE / 198
69.12.97Folsom, NJ / 1,740
70.13.05Estell Manor, NJ / 1,650
71.13.07Tuckerton, NJ / 3,407
72.13.07Smyrna, DE / 9,330
73.13.11Mays Landing, NJ / 2,220
74.13.15Corbin City, NJ / 638
75.13.18Somers Point, NJ / 11,038
76.13.18Townsend, DE / 1,426
77.13.23Newfield, NJ / 1,687
78.13.23Clayton, DE / 2,638
79.13.25Ventnor City, NJ / 11,151
80.13.32Kent Acres, DE / 1,989
81.13.34Milton, DE / 2,480
82.13.40Elmer, NJ / 1,224
83.13.40Cape May Court House, NJ / 5,175
84.13.43Absecon, NJ / 8,357
85.13.49Pomona, NJ / 5,313
86.13.50Wildwood Crest, NJ / 3,374
87.13.51Dover, DE / 35,474
88.13.58West Ocean City, MD / 4,541
89.13.61Sea Isle City, NJ / 2,127
90.13.62Bishopville, MD / 452
91.13.65Rising Sun-Lebanon, DE / 2,814
92.13.67Alloway, NJ / 1,211
93.13.67Wyoming, DE / 1,451
94.13.68Glassboro, NJ / 18,811
95.13.73Smithville, NJ / 6,045
96.13.76Slaughter Beach, DE / 104
97.13.79Northfield, NJ / 8,559
98.13.88Dover Base Housing, DE / 2,555
99.13.90Pitman, NJ / 9,154
100.13.90Ocean City, MD / 7,194
101.13.93Port Republic, NJ / 1,102
102.13.96Bowers, DE / 284
103.13.96Brigantine, NJ / 10,115
104.13.97Millville, DE / 498
105.14.01Camden, DE / 3,244
106.14.02Woodstown, NJ / 3,453
107.14.03Riverview, DE / 2,623
108.14.06Cape May, NJ / 3,687
109.14.09Mullica Hill, NJ / 4,748
110.14.14Highland Acres, DE / 3,431
111.14.16Odessa, DE / 227
112.14.23West Cape May, NJ / 946
113.14.25Ocean Pines, MD / 11,025
114.14.36Margate City, NJ / 6,763
115.14.40Ocean City, NJ / 12,289
116.14.50Olivet, NJ / 1,738
117.14.61Linwood, NJ / 7,176
118.14.65Diamond Beach, NJ / 114
119.14.66Fenwick Island, DE / 330
120.14.69Ocean View, DE / 2,008
121.14.83Longport, NJ / 1,039
122.14.87Hartly, DE / 143
123.14.90Cape May Point, NJ / 128
124.14.90Richwood, NJ / 2,947
125.14.93Strathmere, NJ / 240
126.15.01Stone Harbor, NJ / 929
127.15.19Avalon, NJ / 1,914
128.15.24Bethany Beach, DE / 813
129.15.25Dewey Beach, DE / 292
130.15.39Lewes, DE / 2,819
131.15.82Rehoboth Beach, DE / 1,161
132.15.91South Bethany, DE / 381
133.16.72Henlopen Acres, DE / 181

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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