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Most Educated Cities Near Gainestown, AL

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Gainestown, AL

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 67 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.17.50Oak Hill, AL / 5
2.16.00Nanafalia, AL / 59
3.14.08Pine Apple, AL / 126
4.14.00Carlton, AL / 122
4.14.00Gulfcrest, AL / 9
6.13.57Mount Carmel, FL / 176
7.13.40Brownsdale, FL / 587
8.13.29Satsuma, AL / 6,057
9.13.26Beatrice, AL / 464
10.13.20Brewton, AL / 5,391
11.13.19Sweet Water, AL / 409
12.12.94Saint Stephens, AL / 581
13.12.91Thomasville, AL / 4,293
14.12.91Chunchula, AL / 112
15.12.86Pine Hill, AL / 900
16.12.79Camden, AL / 2,224
17.12.55Axis, AL / 835
18.12.54Grove Hill, AL / 1,415
19.12.50Jackson, AL / 5,279
20.12.49Gilbertown, AL / 190
21.12.45Mcintosh, AL / 321
22.12.37State Line, MS / 471
23.12.37Monroeville, AL / 6,589
24.12.31Vinegar Bend, AL / 271
25.12.28Excel, AL / 642
26.12.23Boykin, AL / 577
27.12.19Fulton, AL / 277
28.12.15Tibbie, AL / 140
29.12.12Leroy, AL / 666
30.12.08Bay Minette, AL / 8,052
31.12.04Evergreen, AL / 3,917
32.12.04Vredenburgh, AL / 199
33.12.00Cullomburg, AL / 84
33.12.00Whatley, AL / 114
33.12.00Hobson, AL / 28
33.12.00Megargel, AL / 31
37.11.97Flomaton, AL / 1,987
38.11.95Movico, AL / 254
39.11.95Peterman, AL / 212
40.11.94Dixonville, FL / 185
41.11.93Frisco City, AL / 1,516
42.11.91Creola, AL / 1,851
43.11.91Century, FL / 1,732
44.11.87East Brewton, AL / 2,708
45.11.84Toxey, AL / 130
46.11.82Calvert, AL / 291
47.11.80Citronelle, AL / 3,876
48.11.79Millry, AL / 695
49.11.78Yellow Bluff, AL / 159
50.11.59Mount Vernon, AL / 1,381
51.11.52Jay, FL / 737
52.11.43Atmore, AL / 10,008
53.11.41Fairford, AL / 116
54.11.40Pine Level, FL / 282
55.11.36Repton, AL / 464
56.11.32Chatom, AL / 1,657
57.11.31Castleberry, AL / 708
58.11.23Coffeeville, AL / 566
59.11.15Sims Chapel, AL / 108
60.11.14Silas, AL / 517
61.11.07Deer Park, AL / 64
62.11.06Pollard, AL / 139
63.10.82Uriah, AL / 442
64.10.57Putnam, AL / 202
65.10.39Riverview, AL / 121
66.9.83Fruitdale, AL / 59
67.8.00Malcolm, AL / 14

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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