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Least Educated Cities Near Flatwoods, LA

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Flatwoods, LA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 64 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.9.89Powhatan, LA / 60
2.10.62Cheneyville, LA / 748
3.10.75Joyce, LA / 375
4.10.86Campti, LA / 1,060
5.10.99Pine Prairie, LA / 1,611
6.11.03Urania, LA / 1,351
7.11.17Robeline, LA / 161
8.11.20Natchez, LA / 453
9.11.26Forest Hill, LA / 621
10.11.36Zwolle, LA / 1,961
11.11.51Glenmora, LA / 1,299
12.11.54Atlanta, LA / 122
13.11.60Oakdale, LA / 7,890
14.11.62Montgomery, LA / 810
15.11.62Colfax, LA / 1,861
16.11.65Center Point, LA / 502
17.11.69Tullos, LA / 363
18.11.71Sugartown, LA / 48
19.11.74Georgetown, LA / 335
20.11.75Winnfield, LA / 4,951
21.11.79Pitkin, LA / 571
22.11.81Mcnary, LA / 195
23.11.83Fisher, LA / 260
24.11.85Deville, LA / 1,747
25.11.88Elizabeth, LA / 481
26.11.93Turkey Creek, LA / 334
27.11.94Goldonna, LA / 399
28.12.00Provencal, LA / 625
29.12.03Midway, LA / 1,297
30.12.08Clarence, LA / 455
31.12.10Pollock, LA / 350
32.12.14Boyce, LA / 839
33.12.15Hornbeck, LA / 621
34.12.16Rosepine, LA / 1,591
35.12.16Lecompte, LA / 1,126
36.12.17Fort Jesup, LA / 515
37.12.21Rock Hill, LA / 265
38.12.22Florien, LA / 666
39.12.27New Llano, LA / 2,390
40.12.33Pleasant Hill, LA / 660
41.12.35Many, LA / 2,878
42.12.40Point Place, LA / 510
43.12.46Fifth Ward, LA / 705
44.12.49Leesville, LA / 6,420
45.12.54Belmont, LA / 440
46.12.55Calvin, LA / 193
47.12.58South Toledo Bend, TX / 791
48.12.60Prospect, LA / 544
49.12.64Ball, LA / 3,965
50.12.80Jena, LA / 3,317
51.12.80Pineville, LA / 14,462
52.12.82Simpson, LA / 607
53.12.82Saint Maurice, LA / 368
54.12.92Alexandria, LA / 47,568
55.13.04Deridder, LA / 10,379
56.13.08Natchitoches, LA / 18,083
57.13.19Anacoco, LA / 1,007
58.13.25Vienna Bend, LA / 1,119
59.13.27Jordan Hill, LA / 511
60.13.53Dry Prong, LA / 428
61.13.66Creola, LA / 269
62.13.72Fort Polk South, LA / 9,454
63.13.87Woodworth, LA / 1,689
64.13.87Fort Polk North, LA / 2,594

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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