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Most Educated Cities Near Coker Creek, TN

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Coker Creek, TN

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 72 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.33Farragut, TN / 20,154
2.15.23Tellico Village, TN / 5,431
3.14.83Lake Santeetlah, NC / 72
4.14.34Young Harris, GA / 1,192
5.14.24Oak Ridge, TN / 28,925
6.14.11Mineral Bluff, GA / 104
7.14.04Apison, TN / 2,598
8.13.91Lakesite, TN / 1,869
9.13.90Collegedale, TN / 7,937
10.13.82Wildwood, TN / 1,059
11.13.66Harrison, TN / 7,917
12.13.64Maryville, TN / 26,925
13.13.59Louisville, TN / 2,537
14.13.49Hopewell, TN / 1,932
15.13.39Hiawassee, GA / 801
16.13.35Cherry Log, GA / 92
17.13.27Kingston, TN / 5,864
18.13.20Murphy, NC / 2,181
19.13.16Cleveland, TN / 40,507
20.13.08Rockford, TN / 925
21.13.07Eagleton Village, TN / 4,593
22.12.87Alcoa, TN / 8,473
23.12.73Townsend, TN / 724
24.12.72Wildwood Lake, TN / 3,360
25.12.71Walland, TN / 148
26.12.64Vonore, TN / 1,421
27.12.59Dayton, TN / 7,118
28.12.59Ooltewah, TN / 395
29.12.56Soddy Daisy, TN / 12,393
30.12.55Bryson City, NC / 1,542
31.12.53Calhoun, TN / 514
32.12.52Athens, TN / 13,491
33.12.51Sale Creek, TN / 2,530
34.12.40Charleston, TN / 723
35.12.33Lenoir City, TN / 8,360
36.12.33Etowah, TN / 3,540
37.12.32Morganton, GA / 461
38.12.24Greenback, TN / 986
39.12.18Rockwood, TN / 5,592
40.12.16Madisonville, TN / 4,503
41.12.12Spring City, TN / 1,868
42.12.08South Cleveland, TN / 6,329
43.12.01Copperhill, TN / 502
44.12.00Mccaysville, GA / 1,051
45.11.99Riceville, TN / 299
46.11.98Philadelphia, TN / 504
47.11.98Cohutta, GA / 882
48.11.92Midtown, TN / 1,614
49.11.89Blairsville, GA / 865
50.11.88Blue Ridge, GA / 1,372
51.11.88Eton, GA / 732
52.11.82Decatur, TN / 1,369
53.11.81Robbinsville, NC / 997
54.11.80Friendsville, TN / 1,069
55.11.76Varnell, GA / 1,803
56.11.73Loudon, TN / 5,273
57.11.71Harriman, TN / 6,503
58.11.69Sweetwater, TN / 5,807
59.11.65Hayesville, NC / 681
60.11.60Niota, TN / 916
61.11.54Chatsworth, GA / 4,248
62.11.45Epworth, GA / 398
63.11.44Andrews, NC / 2,117
64.11.39Benton, TN / 1,723
65.11.32Ellijay, GA / 1,780
66.11.24Ducktown, TN / 461
67.11.15East Ellijay, GA / 817
68.11.07Englewood, TN / 1,791
69.11.04Tellico Plains, TN / 865
70.10.99Marble, NC / 107
71.10.61Graysville, TN / 1,099
72.10.05East Cleveland, TN / 1,970

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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