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Least Educated Cities Near 36062 Zip Code

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 36062

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 62 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.9.96Onycha, AL / 166
2.10.89Mckenzie, AL / 696
3.10.93Clayton, AL / 2,751
4.10.96Clio, AL / 2,343
5.11.18Mosses, AL / 1,158
6.11.21Kinston, AL / 564
7.11.21Georgiana, AL / 1,624
8.11.28Rutledge, AL / 670
9.11.41Horn Hill, AL / 362
10.11.42Fort Deposit, AL / 1,115
11.11.43Dozier, AL / 444
12.11.50Elba, AL / 3,945
13.11.57Union Springs, AL / 4,100
14.11.58Brundidge, AL / 2,456
15.11.60Hayneville, AL / 1,424
16.11.69Libertyville, AL / 85
17.11.69Elmore, AL / 1,059
18.11.71Midway, AL / 726
19.11.81Blue Springs, AL / 82
20.11.83White Hall, AL / 823
21.11.84Ariton, AL / 995
22.11.88Autaugaville, AL / 615
23.11.91Glenwood, AL / 209
24.11.95River Falls, AL / 513
25.12.00Brantley, AL / 1,117
26.12.00Babbie, AL / 682
27.12.03Opp, AL / 6,701
28.12.06Greenville, AL / 7,924
29.12.08Wetumpka, AL / 6,480
30.12.12Red Level, AL / 472
31.12.14New Brockton, AL / 1,450
32.12.27Luverne, AL / 2,807
33.12.27Banks, AL / 301
34.12.37Shorter, AL / 452
35.12.38Franklin, AL / 329
36.12.47Gantt, AL / 251
37.12.67Andalusia, AL / 8,998
38.12.85Carolina, AL / 293
39.12.85Ozark, AL / 14,909
40.12.89Daleville, AL / 5,157
41.12.90Heath, AL / 259
42.12.95Coosada, AL / 1,342
43.13.01Gordonville, AL / 310
44.13.01Level Plains, AL / 1,672
45.13.43Louisville, AL / 555
46.13.48Enterprise, AL / 25,285
47.13.48Sanford, AL / 516
48.13.50Troy, AL / 17,207
49.13.54Montgomery, AL / 204,788
50.13.54Millbrook, AL / 14,034
51.13.60Prattville, AL / 32,122
52.13.60Petrey, AL / 50
53.13.70Redland, AL / 3,638
54.14.08Pine Apple, AL / 126
55.14.15Goshen, AL / 213
56.14.28Fort Rucker, AL / 4,886
57.14.82Lowndesboro, AL / 156
58.14.85Emerald Mountain, AL / 2,270
59.14.87Benton, AL / 40
60.15.00Pike Road, AL / 5,072
61.15.12Blue Ridge, AL / 1,451
62.15.31Fitzpatrick, AL / 144

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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