Polacca, AZ Public Schools
3 public schools were found that might cover Polacca, AZ. .
Jeddito School (17.4 miles)
Mile Post 408 Hwy 264
Keams Canyon, AZ 86034
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 8
Mile Post 408 Hwy 264
Keams Canyon, AZ 86034
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 8
Students: 164 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.67, Title 1
White Cone High School (31.4 miles)
Hwy 77 Mile Post 31.2
Indian Wells, AZ 86031
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Hwy 77 Mile Post 31.2
Indian Wells, AZ 86031
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
, Title 1
White Cone - Inactive (31.4 miles)
Milepost 31.2 Hwy 77
Indian Wells, AZ 86031
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Milepost 31.2 Hwy 77
Indian Wells, AZ 86031
phone: 928-738-2367
Regular School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 3