Patrick Afb, FL School District
6 school districts were found in or near Patrick Afb, FL.
Rank by:
Performance, Size, Student-Teacher Ratio
Seminole (48.8 miles)
400 East Lake Mary Blvd
Sanford, FL 32773
phone: 407-320-0006
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
400 East Lake Mary Blvd
Sanford, FL 32773
phone: 407-320-0006
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
76 Schools Students: 64,851 Teachers: 5,043.51 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.86
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Brevard (14.6 miles)
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Melbourne, FL 32940
phone: 321-633-1000
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Melbourne, FL 32940
phone: 321-633-1000
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
128 Schools Students: 71,232 Teachers: 4,723.05 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.08
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Volusia (61.3 miles)
200 North Clara Ave
Deland, FL 32720
phone: 386-734-7190
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
200 North Clara Ave
Deland, FL 32720
phone: 386-734-7190
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
92 Schools Students: 61,238 Teachers: 4,019.17 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.24
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Orange (49.6 miles)
445 West Amelia St
Orlando, FL 32801
phone: 407-317-3209
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
445 West Amelia St
Orlando, FL 32801
phone: 407-317-3209
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
257 Schools Students: 187,092 Teachers: 11,760.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.91
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Osceola (47.9 miles)
817 Bill Beck Blvd
Kissimmee, FL 34744
phone: 407-870-4008
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
817 Bill Beck Blvd
Kissimmee, FL 34744
phone: 407-870-4008
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
71 Schools Students: 58,204 Teachers: 3,517.03 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.55
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Fl Virtual (54.2 miles)
2145 Metrocenter Blvd
Orlando, FL 32835
phone: 407-513-3313
Other Education Agency Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 12
2145 Metrocenter Blvd
Orlando, FL 32835
phone: 407-513-3313
Other Education Agency Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 12
4 Schools Students: 5,735 Teachers: 2,201.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 2.61