Mccamey, TX Public Schools
3 public schools were found that might cover Mccamey, TX. .
Mccamey High School (0.4 miles)
1100 Burleson Ave
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-3666
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
1100 Burleson Ave
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-3666
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 163 Student-Teacher Ratio: 10.58, Title 1
Mccamey Pri (0.3 miles)
400 East 11th St
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-3666
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 4
400 East 11th St
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-3666
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 4
Students: 240 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.08, Title 1
Mccamey Middle (0.3 miles)
112 East 11th St
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-4211
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 5 to Grade 8
112 East 11th St
Mc Camey, TX 79752
phone: 432-652-4211
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 5 to Grade 8
Students: 143 Student-Teacher Ratio: 9.94, Title 1