La Puebla, NM Public Schools
15 public schools were found that might cover La Puebla, NM. .
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Rank by:
Performance, Size, Student-Teacher Ratio
Dixon Elementary (15.7 miles)
220 New Mexico 75
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
220 New Mexico 75
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 72 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.40, Title 1
San Juan Elementary (6.2 miles)
Day School Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-852-4225
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Day School Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-852-4225
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 431 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.87, Title 1
Velarde Elementary (5.0 miles)
333 North Coronado Ave
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
333 North Coronado Ave
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 100 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.67, Title 1
James Rodriguez Elementary (5.0 miles)
333 North Coronado Ave
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 6
333 North Coronado Ave
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 6
Students: 412 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.48, Title 1
Alcalde Elementary (7.6 miles)
Hwy 389 And County Rd 41
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-852-4253
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Hwy 389 And County Rd 41
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-852-4253
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 139 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.21, Title 1
Carinos De Los Ninos (4.4 miles)
116 Calle Espinoza/Hunter St
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 8
116 Calle Espinoza/Hunter St
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 8
Students: 226 Student-Teacher Ratio: 10.46, Title 1
Chimayo Elementary (3.1 miles)
31 County Rd 93
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
31 County Rd 93
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 102 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.19, Title 1
Mountain View Elementary (8.3 miles)
335 County Rd 80
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-351-4480
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
335 County Rd 80
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-351-4480
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 59 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.41, Title 1
Abiquiu Elementary (23.4 miles)
Hwy 84/285 213412
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Hwy 84/285 213412
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 116 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.69, Title 1
Eutimio Salazar Elementary (3.5 miles)
1000 Zuni Ln
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
1000 Zuni Ln
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 339 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.59, Title 1
Espanola Valley High (2.6 miles)
1111 El Llano Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
1111 El Llano Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 935 Student-Teacher Ratio: 18.42, Title 1
Tony Quintana Elementary (2.2 miles)
11 Sombrilla Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
11 Sombrilla Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 255 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.17, Title 1
Hernandez Elementary (8.0 miles)
714 Don Diego Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
714 Don Diego Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 176 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.66, Title 1
Carlos F. Vigil Middle (4.6 miles)
1260 Johnie Roybal Ind. Prk Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-1348
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 8
1260 Johnie Roybal Ind. Prk Rd
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-1348
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 8
Students: 542 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.81, Title 1
Los Ninos Elementary (4.9 miles)
323 North Coronado
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Kindergarten
323 North Coronado
Espanola, NM 87532
phone: 505-753-2254
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Kindergarten
Students: 162 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.46, Title 1