Cropseyville, NY School District
2 school districts were found that covered Cropseyville, NY.
Brunswick Central School District (Brittonkill) (3.2 miles)
3992 Nyroute 2
Troy, NY 12180
phone: 518-279-4600
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
3992 Nyroute 2
Troy, NY 12180
phone: 518-279-4600
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
2 Schools Students: 1,202 Teachers: 98.77 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.17
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Berlin Central School District (8.2 miles)
17400 Ny 22
Cherry Plain, NY 12040
phone: 518-658-2690
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
17400 Ny 22
Cherry Plain, NY 12040
phone: 518-658-2690
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
3 Schools Students: 723 Teachers: 78.54 Student-Teacher Ratio: 9.21
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School: