Coello, IL Public Schools
6 public schools were found that might cover Coello, IL. .
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Performance, Size, Student-Teacher Ratio
Sesser-Valier Elementary School (5.8 miles)
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
Students: 321 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.52, Title 1
Christopher Elementary School (2.1 miles)
501 South Snider St
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-7604
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
501 South Snider St
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-7604
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
Students: 396 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.50, Title 1
Christopher High (1.3 miles)
1 Bearcat Dr
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-9461
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
1 Bearcat Dr
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-9461
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 243 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.17, Title 1
Sesser-Valier Jr High School (5.8 miles)
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
Students: 157 Student-Teacher Ratio: 17.44, Title 1
Sesser-Valier High School (5.8 miles)
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
4626 State Hwy 154
Sesser, IL 62884
phone: 618-625-5105
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 228 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.00, Title 1
Christopher Jr High School (2.1 miles)
501 South Snider St
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-7604
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
501 South Snider St
Christopher, IL 62822
phone: 618-724-7604
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
Students: 159 Student-Teacher Ratio: 9.97, Title 1