88126 Zip Code Public Schools
2 public schools were found that might cover 88126 Zip Code. .
Dora Elementary (9.1 miles)
100 School St
Dora, NM 88115
phone: 505-477-2216
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 6
100 School St
Dora, NM 88115
phone: 505-477-2216
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 129 Student-Teacher Ratio: 11.74, Title 1
Dora High (9.1 miles)
100 School St
Dora, NM 88115
phone: 505-477-2216
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
100 School St
Dora, NM 88115
phone: 505-477-2216
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
Students: 116 Student-Teacher Ratio: 11.59, Title 1
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School: